A Kuykendall Music Production, PLAN OF THE AGES, is available free of charge.

FREE MP3 downloads are available through this website:


For those who prefer immediate uploads to a mobile device, PLAN OF THE AGES will soon be available to  digitally through iTunes and Amazon.


One year before Jesus is born, a wise old rabbi is teaching his students in the small village of Arimethea in Israel. The students are asking questions:

Who will their Messiah will be? When will He come?

Larry Kuykendall's Greatest Hits is now available for digital purchase

THE COMING: The narrative begins as we are paid a visit from Mary. After 2,000 years she finally gets to tell her own story in her own special way



THE MISSION: The students set up the story by asking the wise old rabbi questions about what the Messiah will do when He comes? Andrew, being the first to meet Jesus, is the one who gets to tell his story about what he witnessed two thousand years ago.

Both narrators, Mary and Andrew, present their stories with powerful heartfelt teachings and exhortations. 

THE COMING Narration by :
Terah Kuykendall
THE MISSION Narration by:
Boyd Barrett